Thursday, November 30, 2006

On the Air, Again

If you missed the piece on the radio yesterday morning, it is now available on CBC's website Currently, it is the top featured story in the column on the right hand side (and it is accompanied by a lovely photo of Barry and Pam!)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

On the Air

Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know that Barry's Blog is going to be discussed on CBC radio tomorrow morning at 7:15 a.m. (PEI time). Barry and I did an interview together this morning to talk about how he is doing and the role of the blog in communicating with family and friends. If you are not in PEI, the producer tells me that you can pick up the broadcast on the internet at:

And as far as Barry goes, he is feeling good and getting ready to begin chemo and radiation therapy in two weeks.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Back Home

Sorry the updates have been a little infrequent the last few days. We've been busy eating turkey and pumpkin pie down here in the States. Barry called this morning and sounded great. He and Pam are home in PEI now for a few days and then will head back to Halifax on Sunday for a Monday meeting. He said it was good to be home and there were even some goodies waiting for them on their doorstep.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Hi folks,
We're having a wonderful nothing type of day. Laying around and reading etc. Tomorrow we have an appointment early afternoon and then James is coming over to take us home--can't wait. I have half a mind (oops,sorry about that) to leave earlier.

Love from the two of us.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Latest from Barry

Hi Friends.
Feeling much better. Got discharged today and met with the radiotherapist. Incidently, I asked Dr.Holness (one of my many heroes) if the radio and chemo therapy could be done on the Island. He said that the doctors and equipment at home are excellent but that because of the experience that his team has had with this particular type of tumor and its location, that he would prefer to keep me under his team. He's such a hero of mine so Halifax it is.

We met today with the radiotherapist. The program, as Pam and I understand it, is six weeks of the treatments both at the same time followed by long-term treatments. We feel lucky to be getting them. Hope to be home Thursday evening and return for a consultation here early Monday. Pam and I love you all.


Monday, November 20, 2006

MRI Results

This isn't a lengthy report, but it is a good one. They did the MRI today and Barry's surgeon is very pleased with how the surgery went. Barry and Pam will meet with specialists tomorrow to discuss the next steps.

Brief Update

Hi everyone. I have a very brief update on Barry. He is feeling better today, but will be staying in the hospital one more night. He did have the MRI today, but the results aren't known yet.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


We just heard from Pam that Barry has checked back into the hospital. He was feeling lethargic and had spiked a fever. They went to the hospital and they decided to keep him overnight. They suspect it is a minor infection not related the brain and will treat it with antibiotics. He should be released in the morning and the MRI will proceed as scheduled. More updates to follow tomorrow.

Movie Review and Other Comments

Hi Friends,
Pam and I went to the movie Borat last night. In our opinion, it is totally tasteless and a waste of time. We just came back from a brunch with Pam's sisters and families. Most enjoyable. Robin and her three month old baby girl represented Barbie.

Tomorrow and Tuesday we will start to find out about the next phase of treatment. The delay is necessary to allow things to heal up from the surgery. Possibly we will be home the middle of the week. We can't wait to give some payback hugs. Everyone has been super and we sure appreciat every thought, prayer and act of kindness.

Love to all and eager to see you.
Pam and Barry

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Note From Barry:

Hi Folks,
Another good day. Pam and I are planning on going to the movie Borat tonight. Eagerly awaiting the MRI and treatment plan which we will receive Monday and Tuesday. Hope to be back on the Island by Wednesday to get recharged for the next phase of treatment.

It was nice to hear from some of my med school classmates on the blog. John, thank you for your kind offer but I am confident here. If you could put your office number on, I would love to talk at your convenience this week.

The emotional swings are a lot better. I think I knew too much about what could have gone wrong with the surgery and that was a big factor.

Pam and I were laying in bed last night and I realized what little children find so warm, so comforting and so safe with their little pieces of blanket that they stroke. Now, in addition to the many other ways she is great, she's my blankie.

Photos from Last Weekend

Now that Jamie and Caroline are back home and settled in, we are finally getting a chance to upload a few pictures from their trip to Halifax. These first photos are of Grampy Bear's first meeting with our three-month-old Caroline. Barry, Pam and Suzie were scheduled to come to our house for a visit last weekend, but obviously that did not work out. While the circumstances were not ideal, Jamie and Caroline enjoyed seeing everyone and were glad they could be there. Caroline even got to hang out with Cousin Bates!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Today's Update

Barry just phoned in today's report. He said he will have an MRI on Monday, which will tell them more about how much of the tumor remains following surgery. On Tuesday they will find out more about the where and when for the 15-week course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It will be five weeks on (five days a week) and one week off. And if I know Barry, he is anxious to get this on the calendar so he can schedule some poker, snooker and golf games for when he is feeling his best.

He told me that reading the blog is the highlight of his day. And he commented on one in particular from 13-year-old Alison Maceachern which says:

"Barry, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. My dad called and felt he had witnessed a miracle. The closest thing he could compare it to was the time he saw the image of the Virgin Mary on the Tim Hortons in Sydney."

He thought this was the first time that he had been mentioned in conjunction with the Virgin Mary.

Barry is also looking for someone to send him an application for the Wife of the Year competition and said that Pam has been just wonderful during all of this.

They both appreciate all of your support and they are reading your messages regularly, so keep them coming!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Fight Continues

My man on the scene (Jamie) is now back home in the U.S., so I had to call in to Barry and Pam to get the report. Barry is out of the hospital now and as I mentioned earlier, they will be staying in Halifax for the next few days.

Here's the word from the surgeon: it was a primary brain cell tumor, which is serious. Barry says the statistics aren't rosy, but it is beatable. And Jamie says that someone as stubborn as his dad is the guy to do it. The next step is a 15-week course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I don't know exactly when that will begin, but Barry is gearing up for the fight.

Barry asked me to again thank all of you for checking in on him. He and Pam really appreciate your notes and comments.

Getting Out Today

"I hope your day is as good as mine" is how Barry answered the phone this morning. He will be released from the hospital today, which is amazing to me-- skull open on Monday, out on Thursday. I've had oil changes that have taken longer!

He and Pam will be in Halifax for the next 4-5 days as they determine the next steps in the treatment and will be meeting with doctors again early next week.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Message From Barry:

Pam and I have been overwhelmed by the support that so many of you have shown. Instead of feeling unlucky that I have this problem, we feel so lucky that we have you people as friends. I really do believe that your prayers and thoughts have been a factor thus far. I am probably going to be out of the hospital tomorrow . Pam and I will stay in Halifax for a few days. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are to be arranged and not sure if they will be in Halifax or on the Island. You friends have meant so much. We have been on such an emotional rollercoaster. One moment you are scared that the laughter and the love are over and the next moment it gets handed back to you.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Update on Comments

It has come to my attention that there have been some unnecessary hoops to jump through in order to post a comment. I have just changed the settings on this site and you should now be able to post a comment without registering by selecting the anonymous option.

And while I am posting an update on comments, I better provide some news on Barry! He is still in intermediate care, but since he has been up and around and using the phone at the nurses station, they will probably be moving him to a normal room in the next 24 hours, if only to provide him with his own phone.

Up and Around

Good morning, everyone. And it is a good morning in Halifax! Barry has been moved out of intensive care and into intermediate care. He has been up walking around this morning, and aside from slight weakness in his left hand, is doing very well. Pam tells me he is "tickled pink" with how things went and at this point he is only taking Tylenol 3 for the pain.

They expect to be released from the hospital on Friday or Saturday.

Thanks again to everyone for checking in and leaving comments on the blog. They are reading them and appreciate the kind words.

Monday, November 13, 2006

In Recovery

Barry is recovering in intensive care now and Jamie reports that he is talking and making jokes. All of his motor skills are good right down to his wiggling toes. Pam and Jamie were the first ones to see him and he immediately recognized them both and according to Jamie "he has no mental deficiencies that weren't there before."

He will have a CAT scan tonight and probably move out of intensive care tonight or tomorrow.

Pam asked that I extend their appreciation for all of the thoughts and prayers. They expect to be going home over the weekend. If you would like to send Barry a card or note, you can send it to his attention at the following address:

ATTN: Barry (insert last name)
c/o Neurology Department
Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Center
1796 Summer St.
Halifax, NS
B3H 3A7

No flowers, please.

They have access to a computer at the hospital and are able to read the comments posted on the blog, so you can continue to send your messages that way as well.

Out of Surgery

Barry made it through the surgery. According to Jamie, the tumor was cancerous and the doctor feels that there is a good chance that he got all of it. Barry will be in intensive care overnight. More updates to follow.


The start of the surgery was delayed a little (not due to any problem with Barry), so they are now just an hour into the surgery and working on removing the tumor. They expect the surgery to take about another two hours.

In Surgery

I just heard from Jamie, and Barry is now in surgery. It began at 9:30 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. and the surgeon thought it should take closer to 3 hours rather than 4-5.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Surgery Tomorrow

Barry will go into surgery at 9 a.m. Monday morning and surgery is expected to take at least 4-5 hours. I will post updates tomorrow as often as I get them from Jamie. Following the surgery he will be recovering in intensive care for two days.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Welcome to Barry's website. I am Barry's daughter-in-law, Beth (married to son Jamie), and I will be your host. I am an American so please bear with my limited grasp of the Canadian language. Since I will be in the U.S. near a computer during Barry's surgery, I will post updates, as they are provided, so that all of you Barry fans out there can stay up to date.

Please note that there is a comment option below, so feel free to post a message for Barry and Pam and we will get it to them.