Rest Needed
Dad is comfortable at the Prince Edward Home. The care is great and everyone is comfortable. He is feeling all right, all things considered. He tends to be better when he has gotten enough rest and the amount of rest he needs has greatly increased over the last week. Beacuse of this, the staff has advised that his visitors be limited to immediate family and very close friends in order to allow him to be the best that he can be. Dad and Pam appreciate all the support and visits, but hope everyone understands that Dad needs his rest.
Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for checking in.
Thank you so much for the update Jamie. You are all in our thoughts and prayers daily. We are only a phone call away should there ever be anything we can do. Hugs and love to everyone ... please give a special HUG to Barry from us.
Brian and Joanne
Thinking of you all, and hoping that you can feel the love and support of all of us. God bless you all; we're praying for you.
Mary Beth, Paul, and family
Hi Everyone,
I have been checking the blog regularly and thinking of your all frequently. Enjoy your time, however long it may be. Remember, no regrets-always let your heart guide you. Thinking of you all. Marla Scichilone (Callaghan).
Prayers and HUGS to BEARCAT,PAM and FAMILY!!!
Hi Barry, Pam and family,
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Barry, you are such an inspiration to everyone!
Mar keeps me up to date after her visits with you. I am always glad to see her drop by the office with an update. Jamie, thanks for the post.
Hugs to all,
Hi Guy's
Just checking in with you all and sending Big hugs from Florida. Getting ready for the World Cup Next week in South Africa. Will be thinking about all of you. Loveya lots
The Golfer
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Thinking of you all and sending our Love. If any of you need anything remember we are only a phone call away.
Hugs and Kisses to all of you.
Special Hug and Kiss for our dear Friend.
Brenda and Barney
Hi Barry,Pam and family;
We deeply respect your need for rest - for all of you!
Just know you are all in our hearts
and thoughts and prayers.
We love you Bear and always will.
Every hug will remind us of you.
XOXO The girls in Day Surgery
I believe in angels...
that they're always hovering near,
Whispering encouragement whenever
clouds appear,
Protecting us from danger and
showing us the way,
Performing little miracles within
our lives each day..
Yes I believe in angels,
and I'm sure that you do, too,
And I'm convinced that angels
are watching over you.
B. MacDonald
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!! We love you lots. I think even here in Winnipeg I can hear your Dad's melodious orthopod voice singing the whole song to you (lucky you!!) Lots of love and hugs for everyone else. I'll see you in a couple of days my dear brother. Get well rested so you can take those verbal jabs at me!! Love you all xoxooxoxoxoxoox
To all the Lings, and especially Barry;
Have enjoyed my association with you all in sports over the years.
Jamie, thanks for the update, and agree that it's important for Barry to have enough rest to enjoy those closest to him.
David, know this won't probably have been your happiest birthday, but know your dad would like to sing it to you in an orthopod style.
Suzie and Shane,
Thanks for providing my nephew Mike with a golden lab puppy that has probably saved his life. Suzie, you have been a brick for your dad.
You have helped Barry through this year in great style. The things you two managed in this last year, most of us won't manage in a lifetime.Know things were tough at times and still are, but Barry has been lucky to have you.
Praying for you all, and lots of hugs.
Janet, the physio.
Hello Barry,Pam and family. I thought tonight I would send along hugs and a favorite poem of mine written by " Robert Frost". I hope it brings you comfort and warmth.
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Rest well Barry,
Hugs and prayers
Deborah R
Barry & Pammy..
Made it back safely, the weather is beautiful great for swinging the clubs, seems though that my ball flight is starting to resemble some what of Barry's typical ahhh moderate "hook"... haha I'm trying to get this to go away!
I miss ya's & am always thinking of the both of you!
Much love,
thank you for the update ,tell him he is being thought about by a lot of people and we all wish him well . it is hard to know what to write anymore it feels as if theres a block in the way and a heavy heart with a helplessness of not being able to help in any way . all i can do is light a candle and pray for one of the best human beings i have met in my life time .god bless to all of you .E.F
Jamie - I just happened to search for any news on your dad while I was working here today & see this wonderful way of keeping all those people that are thinking of your family up to date. Mom, Dad, Brent, Natalie & I spent Christmas together this year, out here in Alberta. We all had Barry & you & your family in our hearts & minds. Natalie just gave birth to a 6 pound, 1 ounce baby girl named Davis Grace Middlebrook on Friday, Jan 11 at 3:05am. Just a tiny little girl. I haven't met her yet, but tonight. Please share that wonderful knews with your family & let them all know we're thinking of them.
Kind thoughts
Darren, Brent, Natalie, Gail & Cyril Cooper (And baby Davis, too!)
Hi, Barry probably wouldn't remember me, my name is Stephen Miller, I am an ER physician in Halifax.Over several summers I have done locums in the QE ER over the past few years.I had contact with Barry on orthopedic issues, he was always excellent to deal with, and humorous. We spend summertimes in PEI, as my wife Lisa, a family doctor, is from Charlottetown.We were sent Barry's Blog from a friend in PEI yesterday, and were both riveted to it, and read every word. It had even more meaning for us, since we just returned from Boston, after a week long visit with a dear friend and her husband who have two children aged 10 and 12. She is 45 and was just diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme, which sounds like it may be similar to Barry's tumor. Of note we were down in Boston in the summer as her mother-in-law died of a GBM in July.We were helping with the kids while we were there between Christmas and New Year's, and Dede was taking radiation therapy at Brigham and Women's Hospital. What strikes us is the amazing attitude both Barry and Dede have, seeing the positive in everything, and living with the negative, but not letting it dictate their lives. These folks are an inspiration for us all in how they live each day. We are going to Mexico with our friends from Boston for a week of hugs in April. My family all hugged each other last night.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Barry, and you his family, who need so much support in dealing with these most difficult days. Hugs to all.Barry has made a difference in our lives.
Stephen Miller and Lisa MacIntyre
We send our best to you all.and hope you get all the rest you need .Pam and the rest of you family are wonderful ,you have a very close knit family and that is very important.We have been passing on hugs and sone kisses too.All our best
Vic Lund and Joy Smith
Hello Barry, Pam and family, particularly Suzie,
My name is Susan Talebzadeh (Dickieson). My mother, Flora Dickieson worked as a nursing supervisor at the hospital with Barry and she laughed and joked with and respected him greatly. He would walk down the hall and say "hey haystacker" to my mother. My older brothers David and Andrew played hockey with Jamie and David on PEI and Suzie and I did gymnastics together for years. I just wanted to send a note on behalf of my mother and myself to let you all know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. I have also recieved updates from Dr. Stanish whom I work with as an OR nurse at the Halifax Infirmary. Suzie, congradulations on your wedding, I looked at the wedding pictures posted on the blogg and you were a beautiful bride. I look forward to the day that our paths cross again.
God bless you all,
Susan Talebzadeh & Flora Dickieson
Hello to all, It never seizes to amaze me the love and serenity I feel when I enter this Blog. Thank God for you Beth. I just think what a wonderful world it would be if we all could live a little more like this each and every day of our lives. Hugs to the Ling's and all the other families who are going through similar things in their lives, such as the family Dr. Miller has mentioned. Hugs and prayers to you all. Sharon MacF
Barry, Pam, Jamie, David and Susie and families. You are never far from our thoughts. And with the thoughts of today we are always blasted by the memories of yesterdays. Such happy memories we have of our days together. Hugs to you all. Beryl, Barry, Jo Ann, Amy, Andrew & Craig.
Dear Bear,
I wanted to send you a note to say that I've been thinking about you and your family a lot lately. I emailed with Suze the other day and it was great to catch up with her. I found this blog today....
Funny how us kids grow up and have kids and families of our own. Your granddaughters are beautiful and Bates looks like a mini David only cuter...
Although I'm far away....I've just given you a huge Bearhug!
Love, Karen (Vos)
Was out with Vlad and Mark the other night and tales of us all in Med School were traded, it took hours! Most ,of course, not appropriate for telling here!!! Like they say,the older we are the better we were!.
We have read every post since the start and are inspired indeed. (but then you always did inspire us one way or another!) We send you our best Bear, and want you to know we are thinking of you.
Sending along a virtual package filled with our warmest thoughts, many prayers, hugs and a BIG Cuban Cohiba as a little treat.
Thinking of you every day.
The "A" Team at Maritime Travel
Leeann, Sheri & Michelle
Hello Lings,
We are thinking of all of you and sending caring and loving thoughts your way. We are just around the corner and here should you need anything.
Take care of each other.
Joanne and Gerry
Dear Barry, Pam, and family,
Just wanted to send a hug to all of you. We think of you so often every day. Wish all the bloggers could gather for a huge real hug, but we'll have to be content with a virtual one.
Love to you all,
Mary Beth and Paul
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