Friday, April 06, 2007

Bad news

Hi friends,
Well, the MRI showed us what we didn't want to see. I discussed this yesterday
with Dr Holness. Further surgery is not an option. Niether is further radiotherapy.
There will be a team discussion on Tuesday with regard to possible chemotherapy.
Regardless, the prospects are certainly less than optimal. You can rest assured
however, that we will make the most of what we have.
Pam and Barry


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Barry and Pam,
Sad to hear your news but if I know you at all, Barry, you will keep your chin up and deal with whatever is handed to you. Your positive attitude and support from family and friends will take you a long way. Love and Prayers!

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Barry and Pam,
Sorry to hear the news you got was not what we were all hoping for. All I can think to tell you is not to forget that this cannot take away the great person that you are or all the great things that you have done,it can't take away all the love that your family and friends have for you or that you have for them. It's good to hear that you are keeping positive. Thinking about you all the time.
Love Catherine

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of both of you, and hope the news is better re Chemotherapy.
Mike and Jeannie McCarville

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Barry and Pam,
We've been following your progress from Calgary, and heartened by the outpouring of support you have received from the multitude of people whose lives you have touched in both friendship and work. We hope this continues to give you strength in the face of today's bad news.
Sheila and Frank Molyneaux

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been folowing your blog since the start and I'm still not over the shock phase yet. There are many people who believe it takes this type of serious health issue to make the doctors more empathic to their patients concerns and feelings-not you. Anyone who has either worked with you or has been treated by you will say that you have always delivered the highest quality of care in a very caring manner. Not to say that you can be up for sainthood anytime soon. It was those crazy moments that made you the person who makes us laugh until it hurts and smile just from seeing you.
Thinking and praying for you and your family.
Nancy Webster in PA

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Barry, you have a large cheering section, all pulling for you and hoping for the best.

Patsy and Lyall

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dr.Ling and Pam,
You may not know me by name Dr.Ling, but I am the little blonde nurse on Unit One at the QEH that always asks you for a hug! From the moment we were told of your courageaous battle you have ahead of you my heart broke for you and your family. You are a truly fantastic DR and person, held in the most highest regard, and I wish you only the best in your battle with cancer and recovery. I am saddened to hear of your recent bad news, however, glad also to hear that chemotherapy is an option for you. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Missing you on Unit One,
Laura Vail

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Ling:

I was out to my Dad's (Lorne Mac Neill)today and he was asking about you. He has been concerned about you since the beginning of your journey. He has great respect and admiration for you. You made such a difference in his life. So I guess I want to pass along his prayers to you and mine as well.

We miss you at Community Hospital.

Lorna Harris

8:07 PM  

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