A Great Cruise
Hi Friends,
We had a great time. We travelled with Pam's sisters {Barbie and Jill and there
husbands) and had a wonderful week. The company, the food , the sun, and even
the martinis were super. Get to spend two weeks at home now before going to
Florida for two weeks. One week in Daytona with Joe end Debbie and then a
week in Pompano with Dannie and Carolynne. Tough life eh.
Pam's feeling great and looks great. No problems with me. I had a few headaches
away but the docs had told me to expect them (late swelling from the radiotherapy)
I took some steroid and they have settled.(nothing of significance).
Looking forward to getting back into routine and seeing everyone.
Love ,
Barry and Pam
We had a great time. We travelled with Pam's sisters {Barbie and Jill and there
husbands) and had a wonderful week. The company, the food , the sun, and even
the martinis were super. Get to spend two weeks at home now before going to
Florida for two weeks. One week in Daytona with Joe end Debbie and then a
week in Pompano with Dannie and Carolynne. Tough life eh.
Pam's feeling great and looks great. No problems with me. I had a few headaches
away but the docs had told me to expect them (late swelling from the radiotherapy)
I took some steroid and they have settled.(nothing of significance).
Looking forward to getting back into routine and seeing everyone.
Love ,
Barry and Pam
Sounds as though today you have more wellness then illness. That is awesome! Also great to hear you both had a great time on your cruise. May you keep the smiles on your faces and warmth in your hearts.
Deborah and Glen R
Hey Barry
We are so glad that you are on the road to recovery, that you have Pam with you. A little luck is good as well. I remember the time you, Mike Q, Mike K and I bolted out of the Antigonish arena (after an Abbie win I must add) on a Sunday afternoon trying for the Caribou ferry. As we pulled in the compound the ferry was pulling away from the dock. One of the workers came out and asked if we wanted on the ferry. Of course we didn’t want to drive all the way to Cape Tormentine. The man made a big wave and the ferry changed direction, back to the dock. They did that for us, we talked all the back to Charlottetown never hearing of the ferry doing this before. That was luck. That’s the type of luck you have Barry. With determination, Halifax heroes, strong family and friends and your resolve, you will beat this. I am confident of that.
Steve Graham
Hi from Hawaii getting back into the swing. Glad to hear you had a great trip may be. We can get togther when you are in Florida. Missya. TheGolfer amd the Caddie.
Hey Badness,
Sounds like you and Pam are having a great time on vacation. Shawn and I just got back from our cruise and it was great. Hope to see you around for a visit before you take off again, I miss you lots, if not have a great time in Pompano. Don't bet too much on the horses.
Love Catherine
Hi Barry and Pam,
Been following your progress and it's so great you're doing so well. This blog is so neat and you sound so positive! Wishing you both well and think of you often.
Allan and Jan Ling
Good words.
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